Friday, 10 October 2014

Blog Post #1

1. What is a blog?
A blog is a regularly updated website or web page. It can be run by an individual or small group which can be written in an informal or conversational style. An individual or small group can add new material to or regularly to update a blog. 

2. What is the purpose of a blog?
The main purpose of blogs are to share your ideas and knowledge with the world. Blogging is totally free, so you can express your ideas and thoughts, to connect with other people, and to stay active and knowledgeable .

3. How can you use this in your official capacity? (teacher)
As a teacher I can use blog to accommodate all learners (probably upper grade students) by using blogs as a classroom management tools such as posting class requirements, homework, handouts, and more. I can also use blog as a discussion board to collaborate with their peers. Students can also use the blogs to create a student portfolio to present, organize, and protect their work as digital portfolios. 
For example, I created my first blog when I was a student at NMC taking Education Technology class which was ED480. We had to do all our homework online and post it on our blog. We had to collaborate with other students by creating iMovie, and a video about using prezi. I also created a student portfolio when taking this class. We made a weebly to create an online student portfolio then we post it on our blog. 

4. What are the benefits and drawbacks of a blog?
Benefits of a blog: You can share your knowledge with other people , you can collaborate with people by getting positive feedbacks, and you can build yourself to become a better writer. 
Drawbacks of a blog: Most people are unable to write in a clear manner, it is easy to start but hard to maintain, it is time consuming, and most blogs are not updated time to time. I used this website to find out how to use blogs to integrate technology in the classroom. 


  1. Minji, Thank you for your post. I think it's great that in your NMC Education Technology course each student had their own blog and posted homework online, etc... what great training for you as a teacher. I'm jealous that "old people" like me didn't have that training when we were in college. However, I am so thankful for this course that we are taking now!

  2. I think this assignment is easier for us to do because we have taken ED480 at NMC.
    I believe blogging is very helpful for people in the world to share their awesome ideas and information that anyone can use. Good Job:)
